System Updates

August 16th, 2020

New System Update Notes/Changelog for August 16th, 2020:

There has been quite a few updates and improvements since the last posting, and here is a quick breakdown of what these entail:

  • The Manage Products Page was improved with sorting capabilities added to all tables, and is now showing products by modified date [instead of creation date] and using this as the default sorting (recently modified products appear first); The menu category option was added to the table with the ability to filter products by menu categories.

  • Order Acknowledgement was added to the Vendor Dashboard to allow Vendors to indicate when a pending order has been acknowledged and provide Simply Delivery with an estimated time as to when an order will be ready for delivery, and the Vendor Dashboard was overhauled with an improved visual design and icons.

  • The Edit Profile page was updated to include configurable notification settings for email, text, and instant (push) notifications, and the ability to test each notifications in real-time.

  • Our Mobile App was released for iOS and Android back on May 21st and has seem some improvements since launch, such as the direct integration with push notification enablement with the mobile operating system.

  • Serveal other bugfixes, enhancements and improvements have also been added throughout the platform.
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